Commercial Service

Commercial Services

Architecture Control

Once your McCauley Design Guidelines are in place, our custom review system will implement the standards of the project’s Architectural Control Process. This Process includes:

Uniformed fees and forms

Post-Construction Reviews

Phase I & Phase II Reviews

Pre-Construction meeting

Our bespoke Process follows a holistic approach to development that establishes and refines a shared project vision. Every step of this process is done in communication with and approval by the Developer. While it is challenging to manage the process for a small local business or a large national commercial tenant to conform to an individual community’s style, we have the necessary expertise to achieve the desired results.

Commercial Services

Final Inspections Process

McCauley performs on-site inspections of the entire Commercial Property after construction completion and before the opening of business to guarantee compliance of community Commercial Design Guidelines throughout the entire process.

We understand the critical importance of finding non-compliance discrepancies and, more importantly, resolving the issues before the tenant opens for business. 

We implement a reliable and proven system that holds all stakeholders to equal standards, as well as documents each compliance discrepancy. We follow through to the very end of the compliance inspection period and through all outstanding Re-Inspections until the property is 100% compliant and ready for business. 

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